The Future of Product Search

Take your on-site product search to the next level with the latest in artificial intelligence. More traffic, higher conversion rates, happier users.

Deliver great search results

Aleph Search combines state-of-the-art deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision, enabling precise queries with flexible and colorful language.

Add awesome features to your shop

Search-by-image, group results dynamically by appearance, multi-language search. The latest in AI technology inside your shop, working for you.

Maximize your profit

Our engine aligns search results to your users' exact wishes. By predicting the probabilities of customer purchases, search results can be ordered to maximise profit directly.

Slash maintenance costs

Our semantic product index automatically incorporates new items and exposes results via a lean REST-API. No tedious, brittle cataloging required.

Complex and precise queries now possible

Aleph Search's composite semantic index uses both images and text, giving unparallelled recall and precision. Queries don't need to match your shop-index and engineers don't need to hard code synonyms.

Aleph Search sees what your users see

Fashion is visual - so is Aleph Search. Our technology perceives and combines content from all of your product photos.

Aleph Search speaks your users' language

Our technology doesn't just look for matching text, it also understands the meaning behind fashion terminology - "lumberjack" or "plaid" shirt? No worries, Aleph Search understands (in more than 100 languages).

Aleph Search adapts to changing trends

Style changes season in, season out — that's why Aleph Search constantly adjusts to exactly how your customers like to search and to which trends are hot right now.

A picture is worth a
1000 words

Text isn't enough? With Aleph Search your users can choose to upload an image of their desired product. Our technology looks for the most visually similar products based on items visible on the image.

Aleph Search understands outfits

Aleph Search digests, comprehends, and separates fashion components in uploaded images. Users don't have to spend time selecting elements manually. If multiple items are present, Aleph Search presents each item for selection to the user.

An unparalleled shopping experience

Make uploaded content instantly shoppable using our reverse image search with spot-on accuracy.

AI autocomplete guides your users

Using AI, the queries we suggest reflect the probabilities of keystrokes as reflected in your user base. Guide your customers by providing them with dynamically predicted searches optimally reflecting your product portfolio.

Aleph Search robustly corrects searches

Our autocomplete algorithm yields robust suggestions even when users have already typed errors into the query field. Make it easier than ever before for users to type their wishes.

Truly similar product recommendation

Using deep semantic understanding of your product portfolio, Aleph Search's AI recommends products which are both visually similar and highly relevant to your users. Placement on PDPs yields an optimal customer journey.

Complex and precise queries now possible

Aleph Search's composite semantic index uses both images and text, giving unparallelled recall and precision. Queries don't need to match your shop-index and engineers don't need to hard code synonyms.

Aleph Search sees what your users see

Fashion is visual - so is Aleph Search. Our technology perceives and combines content from all of your product photos.

Aleph Search speaks your users' language

Our technology doesn't just look for matching text, it also understands the meaning behind fashion terminology - "lumberjack" or "plaid" shirt? No worries, Aleph Search understands (in more than 100 languages).

Aleph Search adapts to changing fashion trends

Style changes season in, season out — that's why Aleph Search constantly adjusts to exactly how your customers like to search and to which trends are hot right now.

A picture is worth a
1000 words

Text isn't enough? With Aleph Search your users can choose to upload an image of their desired product. Our technology looks for the most visually similar products based on items visible on the image.

Aleph Search understands outfits

Aleph Search digests, comprehends, and separates fashion components in uploaded images. Users don't have to spend time selecting elements manually. If multiple items are present, Aleph Search presents each item for selection to the user.

An unparalleled shopping experience

Make uploaded content instantly shoppable using our reverse image search with spot-on accuracy.

AI autocomplete guides your users

Using AI, the queries we suggest reflect the probabilities of keystrokes as reflected in your user base. Guide your customers by providing them with dynamically predicted searches optimally reflecting your product portfolio.

Aleph Search robustly corrects searches

Our autocomplete algorithm yields robust suggestions even when users have already typed errors into the query field. Make it easier than ever before for users to type their wishes.

Truly similar product recommendation

Using deep semantic understanding of your product portfolio, Aleph Search's AI recommends products which are both visually similar and highly relevant to your users. Placement on PDPs yields an optimal customer journey.

Additional Features

Query by image upload.

Continuous adaptation to trends, users and products.

Faceting by visual similarity of products.

Business rules allowing for complex logic based on semantic index.

Robust to spelling errors.

Supports over 100 languages out of the box.

Compare Aleph

Full text search
Continuous learning
Image-content indexing
Wild-image search
Complex business logic
Aleph Search Elastic Search Apache Solr Syte Fashwell

Complex and precise queries now possible